
Blog Posts

The Rule of 20

In 2008, the EU announced its triple goal related to energy efficiency under the ‘20-20-20 Policy’. With a wide range of far-reaching policies, the EU aims to cut its dependence on primary energy sources by 20%, reduce CO2 emissions by 20%, and also increase renewable energy production by 20% before 2020 To help lower electricity …

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وسائط التبريد الجديدة وتأثيرها على الطاقة

وظيفة وسائط التبريد في دوائر التبريد والتكييف وسائط التبريد هي المادة التي تستخدم كناقل للحرارة داخل دائرة التبريد, حيث تحدث عملية التبريد نتيجة التغيير الذي يحدث في خواص تلك المادة نتيجة تغييرات الضغط ودرجة الحرارة في دائرة التبريد فيقوم وسيط التبريد بطرد الحرارة من الدائرة عند المكثف لتتحول من الحالة الغازية الى الحالة السائلة عند …

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Difference between contractor and solution provider

What is the difference between contractor and solution provider?  What is the contractor definition? Independent entity that agrees to furnish certain number or quantity of goods, material, equipment, personnel, and/or services that meet or exceed stated requirements or specifications, at a mutually agreed upon price and within a specified timeframe to another independent entity. What …

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365 Ecology in 2016

365 Ecology is an integrated One Stop Shop engineering solutions house specialized in energy efficient cooling and heating solutions including and not limited Variable refrigerant flow Air Conditioning, Solar Water Heating, Heat pump, desert coolers and indirect evaporative cooling. Unlike most clean technology companies, we tend to focus on achieving energy savings via introducing a …

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