
Omar Soliman

How VRF helped Faisal Islamic Bank save thousands of pounds every year

Building owners are facing a huge dilemma when it comes to choose the best fit HVAC system for their property. The selection of the HVAC system depends on many variables including building size, working activity, interior layout, hours of operation, and most importantly the owner’s budget. The last variable is the most interesting one. For …

How VRF helped Faisal Islamic Bank save thousands of pounds every year Read More »

How Elon Musk and other pioneers are shaking up the construction industry

By: Michael BuehlerHead of Infrastructure & Urban Development, World Economic Forum Philipp GerbertSenior Partner & Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group “Traffic is driving me nuts. Am going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging …” Elon Musk’s tweet in December 2016 startled the construction industry. He was not joking: only a month …

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Shaping the Future of Construction: Inspiring innovators redefine the industry

3D-printed houses, automatically designed hospitals, prefabricated skyscrapers — once futuristic dreams are now a reality as described in the new report Shaping the Future of Construction: Inspiring innovators redefine the industry developed with the World Economic Forum It showcases and analyses 10 Lighthouse innovation cases – prominent flagship projects as well as start-ups and pilot …

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The Rule of 20

In 2008, the EU announced its triple goal related to energy efficiency under the ‘20-20-20 Policy’. With a wide range of far-reaching policies, the EU aims to cut its dependence on primary energy sources by 20%, reduce CO2 emissions by 20%, and also increase renewable energy production by 20% before 2020 To help lower electricity …

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وسائط التبريد الجديدة وتأثيرها على الطاقة

وظيفة وسائط التبريد في دوائر التبريد والتكييف وسائط التبريد هي المادة التي تستخدم كناقل للحرارة داخل دائرة التبريد, حيث تحدث عملية التبريد نتيجة التغيير الذي يحدث في خواص تلك المادة نتيجة تغييرات الضغط ودرجة الحرارة في دائرة التبريد فيقوم وسيط التبريد بطرد الحرارة من الدائرة عند المكثف لتتحول من الحالة الغازية الى الحالة السائلة عند …

وسائط التبريد الجديدة وتأثيرها على الطاقة Read More »