The coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, has become a serious health concern across the globe. With a rising infection and mortality rate, people are taking steps to protect themselves from exposure in whatever way they can. The size of COVID-19 is approximately 0.125 microns, so it requires special type of air filtration to be trapped or eliminated in order to protect the indoor air from being contaminated by ventilators.
HEPA filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air) is one of the most well-known filters used for air purification and contaminants removal. High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are the primary technology used for particulate removal in individual and collective protection applications. HEPA filters are commonly thought to be impenetrable, but in fact they are only 99.97% efficient at collecting the most-penetrating particles (approx. 0.3 micrometer) which means that it may trap the virus but it will not be eliminated or destroyed.
Ultraviolet germicidal lamps can also be used in ventilator for the sake of eliminating bacterial and virus contamination from the supplied air. Broad-spectrum UV light kills viruses and bacteria, and it is currently used to decontaminate surgical equipment. it can also be used in units supplying air to public areas, that would be a safe and efficient method for limiting the transmission and spread of airborne microbial diseases.
SABIANA Air handling units offer a wide range of air filters that would protect the indoor air from being contaminated and helps sufficiently with infection control process.